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Shraddha Children Hospital


Shraddha Children Hospital

Web Design & Development
Shraddha Children Hospital was founded in 2010. Dr. Kiran Shah established the clinic with the idea of treating all the children’s ailments with love, care, and dedication. The hospital has treated more than thousands of kids with various mental and physical health issues.
Dr. Kiran Shah is the founder of Shraddha Children Hospital and has been working diligently since its inception. The hospital is well-equipped with various facilities sufficient to handle various kids’ concerns.
Their nursing staff works hard to comfort the young patients at the hospital. They are known to go the extra mile to make the kids feel special. Dr. Kiran Shah celebrates kids’ birthdays every month to connect with the kids on a deeper level.

The Outcomes

Shraddha Children Hospital

Web Design & Development for the Hospital
Web Design
Web Development

Shraddha Children Hospital

Web Design & Development for the Hospital
Web Design
Web Development

Shraddha Children Hospital

Web Design & Development for the Hospital
Web Design
Web Development

Shraddha Children Hospital

Web Design & Development for the Hospital
Web Design
Web Development

Shraddha Children Hospital

UI/UX Design for the Hospital
UI/UX Design

Shraddha Children Hospital

Logo Design for the Hospital
Logo Design

Shraddha Children Hospital

Branding for the Hospital
Logo Design

Shraddha Children Hospital

Social Media Post Design for the Hospital
Social Media Design

Style Guide


Fjalla One-400

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Indian Peafowl

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